Versia – Graph Analysis for Reverse Logistics Optimisation and Shrink Detection.
Sector: Logistics
Business Case
This “Network Analysis” algorithm predicts activity levels at various packaging return and production centres, relying on demand forecasts from key players in the value chain: producers and retailers. It also provides “what-if” scenarios to respond to business contingencies. The project was born out of the need to contain/reduce retail shrink.
Match operational resources to expected demand (operations management). Reduce retail shrink.
Use case
Optimisation and prediction algorithm using a network model. Simulation and digital twin.
Automatic or Deep Learning
Historical time series of activity by production centre. Ordinary flow map. Private datasets.
Team assigned to the project. Multidisciplinary team: IT, mathematicians/physicists, organisation engineers. GCP, AWS, HEROKU, VAULT.
Difficulties and learning
Operability of image detection for reading boxes on pallets.
KPIs (business impact and metrics of the model)
Margin of error on the activity registered in the provider’s network.
Private. Successful.
Collaborators, Partners
Own resources.