Iberdrola – Environmental Asset Management
Sector: Energy
Business Case
In December 2022, Iberdrola launched its Biodiversity Plan, which aims to achieve a net positive impact on the ecosystems and species where it operates by 2030. The fundamental pillars are regeneration and creation of natural value, conservation of natural heritage, and creation of social value. Among other things, we have improved our measurement standards, implemented a net biodiversity balance sheet accounting framework that is consolidatable and scalable to all group companies. We have also promoted projects such as ALETEO, which adapts power lines to protect birdlife by avoiding or minimising the risk of impact or electrocution.
Solutions focused on the acquisition, processing and enhancement of satellite images, drones or vehicles through AI for mass processing. Wildlife detection algorithms and monitoring of living conditions to assess positive impacts in a quantifiable way. Prediction of CO2 capture, biomass growth and vegetation health and condition. Remote measurement of subsurface conditions.
Use case
A global, scalable and replicable solution in all geographic areas where Iberdrola operates. The solution will be unified with other existing and upcoming solutions.
Hybrid On premise Cloud
Tecnologías utilizadas
Computer vision NLP Machine learning and deep learning
Datos utilizados
Public datasets Weather data APIs Satellite imagery APIs
Recursos utilizados
Open-source libraries and public information.
Dificultades y aprendizaje
The aim is to learn the most efficient ways to manage assets in an environmentally friendly manner.
KPIs (impacto en el negocio y métricas del modelo)
The plan is to define metrics that correctly express the evolution of the environment in a localised manner to verify the impact of actions to promote biodiversity.
It could be offered for public subsidy as an industrial sponsor or pursue privately funded trials.
BAIC partners collaboration