About us

We are the Basque Artificial Intelligence Centre, and we are here to position the Basque Country as a global benchmark in the development and application of AI.

At BAIC we promote the development and adoption of AI-based solutions through collaboration with companies, institutions, training organisations, intermediate bodies and research centres. We promote and coordinate an advanced AI ecosystem that is improving the competitiveness and well-being of the Basque Country day by day, positioning ourselves as leaders in the digital transformation of the territory.

About us

We are the Basque Artificial Intelligence Centre, and we are here to position the Basque Country as a global benchmark in the development and application of AI.

At BAIC we promote the development and adoption of AI-based solutions through collaboration with companies, institutions, training organisations, intermediate bodies and research centres. We promote and coordinate an advanced AI ecosystem that is improving the competitiveness and well-being of the Basque Country day by day, positioning ourselves as leaders in the digital transformation of the territory.


The launch of BAIC has been driven by a developer group that brings together different types of organisations: large companies, start-ups, ICT providers, knowledge agents and the Basque Government. And to promote this initiative, we collaborate with different entities.

Partner entities GidarIAk


Collaborating entities


Equipo BAIC

Laura Marron - Directora General de BAIC

Laura Marrón

Directora General

Arrate Jaureguibeitia Cayrols - Directora de Estrategia de BAIC

Arrate Jaureguibeitia Cayrols

Directora de Estrategia

Iñaki Suarez - Director de Tecnología de BAIC

Iñaki Suárez

Director de Tecnología

Laura Diz - Responsable de Comunicacion

Laura Diz Herrero

Responsable de Comunicación

Gorka Garcia Landa - Responsable de Iniciativas de Estrategia

Gorka García Landa

Responsable de Iniciativas de Estrategia

Maria Arteta Hernandez - Responsable de comunicacion

María Arteta Hernández

Responsable de Administración

Asamblea General

Asamblea General BAIC

Board of Directors


Mikel Jauregi Consejero de Industria, Transición Energética y Sostenibilidad | Gobierno Vasco

Mikel Jauregi

Consejero de Industria, Transición Energética y Sostenibilidad | Gobierno Vasco

Vice presidency

Nerea Aranguren - Directora General de las divisiones de Máquina Herramienta y Automatización Industrial | Corporación Mondragón

Nerea Aranguren

Directora General de las divisiones de Máquina Herramienta y Automatización Industrial | Corporación Mondragón


Pedro Estevez - Responsable de área de Gestión de Proyectos de I+D | CAF

Pedro Estevez

Responsable de área de Gestión de Proyectos de I+D | CAF


Agustín Sáez - Director de Industria y Transporte | Tecnalia

Agustín Sáez

Director de Industria y Transporte | Tecnalia


Iñigo Collado - Director técnico | Seidor

Iñigo Collado

Director técnico | Seidor


Itziar Landa - Digitalizazioaren arduraduna | Petronor

Itziar Landa

Digitalizazioaren arduraduna | Petronor


Julián Florez - Director General | Vicomtech

Julián Florez

Director General | Vicomtech


Silvia Nuñez - Responsable de Transformación Digital | Iberdrola

Silvia Nuñez

Responsable de Transformación Digital | Iberdrola


Vincent Moreno - CEO | Hupi

Vincent Moreno

CEO | Hupi


Xabier Esquisabel -Director de Tecnología, Fundición | ITP Aero

Xabier Esquisabel

Director de Tecnología, Fundición | ITP Aero

We have a plan

A Strategic Plan 2024-2026 that has guided our steps since our foundation.

Discover in it our mission, vision and values

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