Basque Artificial Intelligence Center

Leading AI, the basque way

About Us

A space for public-private collaboration to promote AI in the Basque Country.

A catalyst for the rapid adoption of AI in the territory.

The lighthouse that guides the AI ecosystem by assessing its current situation and providing guidance on ethical and regulatory issues.

A facilitator of collaboration between agents in the ecosystem to position the Basque Country’s AI capabilities internationally.

A driver of the development and retention of AI talent

How we do it

At BAIC we promote the expansion and consolidation of the AI ecosystem in the Basque Country through a variety of resources, initiatives and tools.

Use cases

Learn about examples of AI applications from our partner entities


This is what is happening in Basque AI

Join the Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in the Basque Country

If you are taking the first steps in integrating AI and you want to go one step further

If you want to strengthen your AI strategy and position yourself in the ecosystem as a benchmark

Joining BAIC means becoming part of the heart of the Artificial Intelligence ecosystem in the Basque Country, a benchmark of innovation, talent and collaboration for the development and application of technological solutions that transform the industry and improve quality of life in the Basque Country.

I’m already part of BAIC...

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