Skootik – Interaction space for a forum of companies of a business association
Sector: Generalist
Business Case
The forum of a business association is made up of companies offering a wide range of services. The aim of the forum is to provide a space for networking among these companies so that new relationships can be created and new opportunities for collaboration and cooperation can flourish.
A system is required to explore the companies that are part of the forum, create synergies and foster business opportunities. Specifically, the aim is to use AI to identify the user’s need and recommend the most appropriate group of companies to meet that need. In addition, it also seeks to set up a channel for direct communication between companies.
Use case
We propose a platform where each user that is part of a company in the forum can raise their concerns to a chat and through the integration of a generative AI model as a conversational assistant can respond to the concerns raised by recommending companies whose service offerings match the user’s need. It would also offer the option of setting up a conversation between two companies in the form of a private chat.
AI technologies that generate written or spoken language, images or videos (generative AI)
We use the private data provided by the forum about the member companies, together with the public data that each company provides on its respective website.
One person for the back-end development including the integration of the conversational assistant in the developed system, and another front-end person for the development of the platform and its management.
Difficulties and learning
The most complex part of the development was the transmission of information from the forum’s business ecosystem to the conversational wizard so that the wizard understands the services offered by each member company. It was also a job to package all the information of the companies to show it to the users in a compact, but at the same time friendly and understandable way.
KPIs (business impact and metrics of the model)
Since it is not a quantitative improvement system for a given process (as a predictive system might be), there is no specific KPI to measure the degree of success and the impact on the business. However, in qualitative terms, the improvement is more than notable, since it enables the direct relationship between interested companies without the need for the intermediation of the association, which hitherto was essential.
Private financing of the joint venture